Conjuring - One of the most gripping movies ever...

4.5 out of 5
Horror movies create the best movie going experience, where your eyes want to shut, but your heart wants to continue seeing being totally engrossed in it. After a long while, The Conjuring delivers that. James Wan , made an absolutely original movie The Saw, which according to me had one of the most innovative suspense in store. From then till now, he has made some inconsequential movies , produced all the SAW franchise, but could not repeat the The SAW 1 magic. But The Conjuring shows why he can be one of the best directors in this genre. A husband and wife, move in a country house with their 5 daughters. Slowly things unravel and they realize something super natural is happening in their home. They hire the services of a paranormal investigator couple. How they discover and banish the evil in the end , forms the story. The story is an old one which could have been filled with all the cliches of horror genre. But James Wan refrains from doing so, and treats an old story in the most innovative manner.
The movie slowly builds on momentum, with few scary scenes, but the best scenes are reserved in the 2nd half.
Every scary scene is brilliantly written and executed , where the tension slowly builds up, you expect something to happen, but nothing does, and whoom.... you are scared out of your wits.
The movie has many goosebump scenes, thrilling scenes and shrieking scenes !
Without spoiling the movie, I would like to point out some scenes where James Wan shows his technical and storytelling brilliance.
1. The best cinematic scene is when a cloth from a hanging line, blows away due to strong wind, catches on an invisible body figure, then the cloth blows to a window and in the window you see the witch ghost !
2. The hide & clap scary scene with the mother , on the basement staircase scene is brilliantly thought and from here the movie shifts into full gear.
All the actors are wonderful in this movie, so are all the 5 daughters.
Special effects are of standard Hollywood quality without any complaints but its the sound designer Joe Dzuban who reserves all plaudits because of his amazing sound design and background score.
Some of the knocks on the door, are sure to stir up in your seat !
At the end, you are relieved that the movie is over but you carry with you all the scary scenes which made an impact on your mind.
The makers claim this to be based on a true story, but nevertheless, its one of best movies to come out this year.